August 26, 2014

Sean Connery Day

Apparently the 25th of August is Sean Connery Day.

This started off as a warm-up sketch, but then it turned into a battle of not making him look like Christopher Lee. It was also a battle of "letting go," because I could easily spend another hour or two trying to tweak things, but I already ruined it like five or six times. The rest of the time was recovering fumbles. After a while, I had to tell myself, "You're happy with this, Ken. Move on to more pressing matters."

Still, I learned a lot. Beards are cool... too bad I can't grow one all proper like Sir Connery here. When I do, all of you will have to hide your wives. As a matter of fact, all feminine loins will ache for my sh'weet shaggy beard.


Current Jam ► We Took Pelham by Deadly Avenger

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